Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rainy Days

I LLOOVVEEEEE rainy days. Always have. I have vivid memories of being in my pink bedroom as a little girl, bed in front of the cracked open window, hearing and smelling the rain and reading a book.  Let's just call that one of the "happy places" I can go to in times of crisis.  Another great rain memory is from my Little House in the City (our first married couple home-5648-45th Ave S).  The little one-and-a-half story had an awesome skylight upstairs, which was our bedroom.  We called it our "Starry Lookout" (thanks to Christy by Catherine Marshall).  The rain on the Starry Lookout was amazing!!  Now, I enjoy a rainy day because, for the most part, it means we can slow down.  Outside things are cancelled and inside things suddenly become optional for me.  I love rainy days.

What's for Dinner?
Hopefully the rain will stop just before six, as tonight is the Maple Grove Day's Parade.  Which we love.  It's a great parade.  And we sit at the beginning by Grandma's House, so there is still plenty of candy. Which is dinner!  haha...just joshin'.  But dinner has to do with the parade.  While our chairs have been out all morning (in the rain), I still like to get there quite early to ensure no one steals our very, very good spot. So, I'm gonna get a big sub sandwhich and have a picnic on the parade route.  I think we will also have cherries, baby carrots, chips and lemonade.  The kids will love it.

For the little kids it's bowling day ($20 gets ya two games a day, every day during the summer, bowling pass) with our church friends, and art class at the Holcombs, and of course the parade.  For Gabby, driver's ed, "Harry Potter" marathon culminated with the midnight premiere (five extra bucks got her group the VIP box at the theatre...ooooohhhh. [I used theatRE here instead of theatER because they have the box...fancy... and Harry is from England]).  So, while not going to the movie (not my favorite) I get to go to the theatRE around two thirty in the morning to collect her.  Good Mama.

Have a Blessed a blessing in someone else's life!

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